My Big Fat New Camera Takes It’s First Picture (Beware! It’s not pretty!)

I always dreamed that if I ever got a DSLR camera, the first picture I took would be the Holy Grail of pictures. It would be the most beautiful picture I ever took in my entire life! I would show this picture to my family and friends, their jaws would drop open, while their eyes feasted on the most beautiful picture they ever saw.  They would look at me with eyes wide open and think, “Wow! She’s a natural-born photographer!” I would smile and beam and be a proud of my first DSLR picture.  It would be such a grand  picture it would go viral and its vibrant colors would flash across computers around the world! Well, it didn’t quite turn out that way. Oh yeah, jaws will drop open upon seeing this picture, and people will indeed contemplate my skills as a “photographer,” but not in the way I hoped. Sigh…here’s the picture:

Bad Buttons Pic

Wow, what happened?  If you’re wondering if my dog is okay, yes she is. I did think I flashy-thinged her and though perhaps I wiped out her memory after she got hit with that bright white blinding flash – and thankfully she can still see!  Yikes.

There is good news, besides my dog being okay. I’ve been practicing since I took that picture and I’m getting better already!!! One thing I like about My Big Fat New Camera is the controls are very user-friendly and I have a feeling the picture you see above is the worst picture this big fat new camera will ever take.

I can’t wait to share them with you! Here is a picture I took on the fly today (pun intended). I was trying to photograph a few birds in my yard today and I looked up and saw this plane flying over and I quickly snapped this picture. It’s not crystal clear, but I don’t know…It’s the best airplane photo I EVER taken in my life. Oh, I’m going to really like My Big Fat New Camera – a lot!

Small Plane Pic

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